titles such as:
Art News
Bird Watching
Cabin Life
Container Gardening
Consumer Reports
Food Network Magazine
Gluten-Free Living
Mother Jones
O, the Oprah Magazine
Poets and Writers
Runner’s World
Weight Watchers
Whole Living
The collection has many “special” issue magazines and many
not included in the Northfield Library’s print collection. Zinio was introduced in November 2012 and
already hundreds of users have checked out magazines.
To get started go to www.northfieldmn.info
and click on “E-Library”. Look for “Downloads” and then Zinio. You will need to
create an account. Once you do that you
will need to go into your email to activate the account. That’s it! You’re ready to start browsing
your favorite magazines on your computer, tablet or mobile device.
Funds for this resource were generously donated by the
Friends and Foundation of the Northfield Public Library.
Questions? Call the library at 645-6606.