Wednesday, August 31, 2011
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Celebrate Summer Reading with Your Public Library
in Carousel Park @ the Minnesota State Fair
Show your public library card for discounted admission
when you purchase a ticket at the gate. (One discount per card.)
On Stage
10:00 – Super Why & Princess Presto*
Meet favorite characters from favorite PBSKids show Super Why!
11:00 – Radio Disney Dancers
Young dancers from tiny to teen delight audience with their musical moves.
12:00 – Clementown
It’s poetry put to music when Clementown performs songs from their CD, Polkabats and Octopus Slacks – the Music.
1:00 – The Okee Dokee Brothers
Share music and fun with the Okee Dokee Brothers. Enjoy their bluegrass sound for the younger set.
2:00 – Dazzling Dave – National Yo-Yo Master
A tornado of whirling tricks and tips designed to dazzle audiences of all ages.
3:00 – Magician Matt Dunn
An action-packed comedy magic show for the whole family.
4:00 - Douglas Wood & the Wild Spirit Band
The Wild Spirit Band draws you in with American standards, bluegrass, jazz, folk songs, commercial hits, and original compositions.
*Super Why and Princess Presto will be back for 20 minutes at 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 near the stage.
Under the Tent
- Get Carded! There’s no limit to the rewards of your library. Show your card at the tent and get your I Got Carded button.
- Libraries of Minnesota
- Scavenger Hunt: Find the 10 photos from Libraries of Minnesota (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2011) around Carousel Park. Then find them in the book and get an I’d Rather Be at the Library key chain or mood pencil.
- Book Giveaway and Signing: Copies of Libraries of Minnesota will be given away starting at 1:00. Photographer Doug Ohman will be on hand to sign copies. One copy per person, while supplies last.
- Maintain Your Brain
- Brain games to try out. You public library can help keep your brain healthy and active!
- Spin & Win
- Test your knowledge and win a library card holder.
- Story-On-A-Stick
- Save your State Fair memories on a fan custom designed by you.
- Minitex
- Celebrating 40 years this information and resource Sharing Program of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the University of Minnesota Libraries assists all libraries in Minnesota. Find out how they make your library better.
- Minnesota Parent
- Pick up the latest issue of Minnesota’s premier parenting magazine!
- Twin Cities Public Television (tpt)
- Join your friends from Twin Cities Public Television (tpt) for fun take-away activities. Learn about kids shows that promote reading. Don’t forget to tell them “thanks!” for bringing Super Why and Princess Presto to the Fair.