Business and Employment Resources
at the Northfield Public Library
Looking for work?
With the Minnesota unemployment rate at 7.1 % and the U.S. national average at 9.3%, more people than ever are looking for work. One of the most important qualities for job seekers is persistence, as looking for work can take a tremendous amount of time and effort.
In 2010, the Minnesota Workforce Center offered their Creative Job Search Classes from February – June. In 2011, they will be facilitating bi-weekly meetings of the Northfield Job Club. Read on!
The Northfield Job Club – New in 2011
On January 12, 2011 from 11:30 – 12:30, the first meeting of the Northfield Job Club will be hosted by the Northfield Public Library in the library meeting room. Free and open to the public, the library is proud to partner with Minnesota Workforce Development Inc. and the Minnesota WorkForce Center Faribault Office who will be facilitating the bi-weekly job club meetings.
Not sure if a job club is for you? Consider the following benefits of joining a job club:
Job club members:
1. Find jobs up to four times faster.
2. Learn high value job search skills.
3. Create personal accountability by setting and reporting on goals.
4. Gain a new network.
5. Gain an enhanced understanding of local job markets.
6. Give and receive emotional support.
7. Enjoy the benefits of helping others.
8. Experience lower levels of frustration with their job searches.
9. Devote more time to their job searches.
10. Team up on some job search tasks in order to eliminate duplicate efforts.
11. Continue their use of professional skills so they don’t erode.
12. Develop new, desirable skills.
13. Derive positives that arise from other members landing.
There is no need to sign up in advance if you would like to attend a job club meeting. Come when you are able and bring a bag lunch if you would like. All are welcome!
For further information, contact Janelle Kaytor at Minnesota WorkForce Development at or 507-333-2047 or the Northfield Public Library Help Desk at 507-645-1802.
New Books

Following are some of the many new titles related to the subject of employment in the Business and Employment Resources Collection the Northfield library received in 2010:
Career Comeback: Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want by Lisa Johnson Mandell New York: Springboard Press, 2010 Employment and Business 650.14 MA
Creative Girl: The Ultimate Guide to Turning Talent and Creativity Into a Real Career by Katherine Sise Philadelphia Pa: Running Press, 2010 Employment and Business 650.1082 SI
Expert Resumes for Career Changers by Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works, c2010 Employment and Business 650.14 EN
How to Find a Job On Linkedin, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Other Social Networks by Brad and Debra Schepp. New York: McGraw-Hill c2010 Employment and Business 338.707 Sc
Computer in the Business and Employment Resources Area
The computer in the Business and Employment Resources (BEB) Area can be used by people looking for work, and those working on small business projects. Microsoft Office programs, and Internet access are available on this computer as well as a list of preloaded hyperlinks to various local, regional, statewide and national job posting sites.
On the desktop is an icon with a link to the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance site.
The computer in this area is connected to a nearby printer.
A library card is not required to use this computer and it is connected to a nearby printer. Photocopies cost $.15 per page for black and white copies, $1.00 per page for color copies.
For further information about the Business and Employment Resources Area contact the Northfield Public Library at 507-645-1802.