The Northfield Public Library subscribes to a great electronic database called
The Biography Resource Center. This resource can be accessed by clicking on the "Other Resources" tab in the library catalog.
Supported by Gale, this comprehensive database contains more than 440,000 entries on more than 165,000 people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
I browsed the category "Ancient Greeks and Romans" and found entries under 60 different names. Individual entries vary in length and content but the
Further Readings section appears to be a standard feature of all entries.
Further Readings section can be particularly helpful in locating additional information about the person, including information that can be buried within more general books, as well as biographies, and autobiographies.
If you need assistance accessing The Biography Resource Center, or have any questions about it, please call the Reference Desk at 507-645-1802.