In honor of Earth Day on April 22 the library has a display of "green" books in the stairwell. Here's a sampling of a few titles. Check it out and watch for other weekly displays.
The Organic Food Shopper's Guide - 641.5 Co
Don't Throw it Out - recycle, renew, & reuse to make things last - 640.41 Ba
Green Babies, Sage Moms: the ultimate guide to raising your organic
The Organic Food Shopper's Guide - 641.5 Co
Don't Throw it Out - recycle, renew, & reuse to make things last - 640.41 Ba
Green Babies, Sage Moms: the ultimate guide to raising your organic
baby - 649 Fa
Green Remodeling - 691 Wa
Green from the Ground Up: sustainable, healthy, & energy-efficient home construction - 690 Jo
Rubbish: reuse your refuse - 745.5 Sh
True green@ work: 100 ways you can make the environment your business 333.72 Mc
Green Remodeling - 691 Wa
Green from the Ground Up: sustainable, healthy, & energy-efficient home construction - 690 Jo
Rubbish: reuse your refuse - 745.5 Sh
True green@ work: 100 ways you can make the environment your business 333.72 Mc